Regional Workshop to establish Cross Border Working Group (CWG) to develop BCC approaches and communication messages for Mobile Migrant Population_1-3 December 2014_Thailand

Overview; 1st Regional Malaria CSO consultation to emphasize on cross border collaboration with  CSO, public & private sectors for information sharing, treatment, and case follow-up, BCC and other key project activities were being finalized in consultation of national and reginal partners especially RAI implementing border countries with Thailand for minimum impact of the project. The main objective was to bring movement and CSO representatives from the neighboring countries in one platform and discuss on suitable BCC approaches and communication messages for malaria response. The main objective was to bring movement and CSO representatives from the neighboring countries in one platform and discuss on suitable BCC approaches and communication messages for malaria response. The key specific objectives of the workshop were:
  1. To share existing BCC strategies and communication messages and gap identifying appropriate BCC approached and communication messages for mobile and migrant population focusing key activity and challenges
  2. To establish a cross border working group to develop cross country collaboration framework for joint BCC approaches and message sharing for the mobile and migrant populations.
  3. To identify role and responsibilities of health volunteers in implementation of BCC and health education activities.
  1. To further finalize the drafted cross border working group filling vacant members
  2. Better sharing of information and experiences between countries establishing information sharing platform
  3. To develop bi-lingual IEC materials for MMPs in consultation with neighboring countries
  4. To enhance the role of volunteers in malaria program
  5. Introducing technology and social media for awareness creation and information sharing
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Regional Consulation to establish Cross Border Working Group (CWG)_1-3 December 2014_Thailand 362 KB
1st Regional Malaria CSO consultation and BCC Workhop report_1-3 December 2014 1 MB