Capacity Development and Mentorship Training Workshop, Thailand, 30 July – 2 August 2019

ARC as a host of regional malaria CSO platform, GMS has organized the capacity development and mentorship training workshop in Bangkok from 30 July to 2 August in Avani Atrium Bangkok Hotel and Moo 1 Bon village in Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi Province. The training is provided by expert trainers from the Myanmar Oxford Clinical Research Unit, Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance, University of California, San Francisco, APCASO, Population Services International, University Research Co., LLC, Royal University of Phnom Penh, and RAI2E PR UNOPS. The training targeted the mid-career public health professionals working for malaria elimination implementation activity for the community in the GMS. The rationale of undertaking the workshop is to provide the identified technical gap topics in the GMS among malaria implementers which include assessing community needs and resources, and behavioral change communication (community advocacy) from the training needs assessment survey collected by the platform steering committee and secretariat.


FileFile size
Final CSO training Report_July 30-Aug 2, 2019993 KB


FileFile size
BCC Stakeholder Engagment715 KB
BCC Strategy Development464 KB
DFA_Training_Manual_2008_-_Chapter_6_Messaging113 KB
dr-good-practice-guidelines-messages-final2 MB
SBCC Effective Messages and Tools2 MB
Module 6_Message Development_EN1 MB
BCCTools987 KB
Session 10_Smart Chart1 MB
Advocacy in malaria3 MB
Field Visit_Kanchanaburi361 KB
Malaria CSO Platform1 MB
Malaria elimination in the GMS_Progress_Challenges_Role of CSOs_UNOPS_30July20191 MB
Community Dialogue Facilitation Skills2 MB
CSO Advocacy Training 30 July 20192 MB
Community needs and formative assessments in the context of malaria elimination in the GMS2 MB
Power Walk_Malari_CS Slides_JHO722 KB
Cultural competency in providing healthcare863 KB
CSO Training_31 July4 MB
Session 8 Community Engagement2 MB